I Am Loved: Kids T-Shirt



The "I Am Loved" Kids T-Shirt

Our confidence-boosting kids t-shirt with the affirmation "I Am Loved" is designed to keep your child comfortable while surrounding them with the warmth of your love.


  • Fosters Connection: The "I Am Loved" affirmation helps your child feel deeply connected to you, strengthening the unique bond you share.
  • Boosts Confidence: Knowing they are loved builds your child’s confidence and self-worth from the very beginning.
  • Promotes Calmness: The soothing affirmation helps create a peaceful and reassuring environment, perfect for comforting your little one throughout the day.
  • Encourages Positive Self-Image: Early exposure to loving words helps your child develop a positive self-image, fostering a sense of security and happiness.

Eco Impact: 

Your economic impact saved:

  • 8.8 days of drinking water saved
  • .2K of driving emissions avoided 
  • 19.8 hours of bulb electricity saved
  • 0.2 m2 of land farmed without pesticides 


  • Available from 4-14 years
  • Eco-friendly and ethically sourced
  • 100% Organic cotton
  • Made in Africa